The Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board and its activities would not be possible without the volunteers who donate hundreds of hours of their time to interact, educate and assist with the telling of the Wisconsin dairy industry’s story.
Our volunteers serve as a face, people of knowledge, to the urban public that attends Wisconsin State Fair. There are four key areas volunteers are needed.
Dairy Lane
Four people per shift are needed to talk with fair-goers, answer questions, oversee the goat and calf areas, and to help welcome people to the new exhibits.
Milking Demonstrations
One to two individuals daily are needed to give several 20-minute presentations about how cows or goats are milked to fair-goers. Additionally, you answer questions and help distribute cheese snacks at the end of the presentation.
Real Wisconsin Cheese Grill & Shake Shop
Anyone can volunteer for a shift to help make grilled cheese or prepare shakes. Shifts are three hours. The first shift is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The second shift is 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Be sure to have a hat!
Dairy Products Contest
Wisconsin State Fair and the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board are excited to host the annual Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Products Contest. Each year, over 400 locally produced products are judged and ranked across more than 40 classes.