Dairy Lane

Take a stroll down this interactive dairy by-way, complete with street signs and places of interest. Located in the lower dairy barn, Dairy Lane offers attendees of all ages unique opportunities to learn about dairy through interactive displays, chatting with industry experts and getting up close and personal with some cuddly creatures. This new venture debuted in 2019 and is brought to fair-goers by the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, Wisconsin State Fair Foundation and numerous other generous donors and volunteers. The new exhibit, which replaced the House of Moo, is the most extensive enhancement to the Lower Cattle Barn in more than a decade.

Dairy Lane Ambassadors

NEW in 2024, the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board will be hiring Dairy Lane Ambassadors to represent the Wisconsin Dairy Industry at Wisconsin State Fair. This position will provide networking, leadership, public speaking, and social media experience. Ambassadors will receive specialized Dairy Promotion training, as well as a stipend, food and lodging during the State Fair. 

APPLY HERE to Become a 2025 Dairy Lane Ambassador

Meet Some Cute Calves

In just two short years, these calves will become a valuable part of our Wisconsin dairy industry.

Grocery Store Shopping Fun

Put your skills and knowledge to the test to fill your cart with wholesome dairy products.

Award-Winning Cheese

Wisconsin is known throughout the world for their award-winning cheeses. Learn how our state’s heritage lives on through cheese and test your cheesemaking knowledge.

Lovely Lady Goats

These lovely lady goats are an integral part of Wisconsin dairy. Did you know Wisconsin is home to the most dairy goat farms?

From Farm to Family

Learn how milk gets from the farm to your family in less than 48 hours.

Nurturing Nature

Learn how Wisconsin agriculture is making a better future for our planet.

Our Interactive Farm Center

Get down on the farm with our interactive farm center. You too can experience farm life!

Dairy Lane Mural

Photo Op! You will be captivated by our 450 square foot mural. Stop by and grab a selfie. 

What would you want to ask a Wisconsin farmer if you were given the chance? Stop by Dairy Lane and Ask A Farmer!