Congratulations to the following dairy cow and dairy goat exhibitors on their accomplishments at the 2023 Wisconsin State Fair. Thank you once again to all of our sponsors and supporters.
Champion Ayrshires
Grand Champion
Moy-Ayr Predator Lively, Emily Schmidt
Reserve Grand Champion
Moy-Ayr Berkley Darling, Rebecca Schmidt
Junior Champion
Grand-View Champ Dyna, Logan Harbaugh
Reserve Junior Champion
Marilie Reality Morgane-ET, Dylan Ryan
Champion Brown Swiss
Grand Champion
Brandenburg Richard Valerie, Emerson Brandenburg
Reserve Grand Champion
Random Luck Victory Rose, Matthew Thompson
Junior Champion
VB HJ CV Famous Thriller-ET, Alex Roe
Reserve Junior Champion
Pit-Crew Rasta Tricky, Kole Trapp
Champion Guernseys
Grand Champion
Kadence Freedom Laurie, Olivia Jennrich
Reserve Grand Champion
Gold Rush A Pie Jump Around, Laylaa Schuler
Junior Champion
Valley-Gem A Pie Melt Your Heart-ET, Logan Harbaugh
Reserve Junior Champion
Prairie Gem Drone Aria, Jazlynn Olson
Champion Holsteins
Grand Champion
Luck-E Merjack Asalia, Tessa Schmocker
Reserve Grand Champion
Cow Palace Furious 3595, Tessa Schmocker
Junior Champion
Weigland Denver Athena-ET, Adam Bindl
Reserve Junior Champion
Ryan-Vu Crushtim Starstruck, Cameron Ryan
Champion Jerseys
Grand Champion
Adams Creek Maui Crystal, Ella Hansen
Reserve Grand Champion
Rolling Spring Premier Lucille-ET, Evan Jauquet
Junior Champion
Synergy Lovestuck-ET, Madison Harbaugh
Reserve Junior Champion
Miss Java KidRock Jewel, Caroline Powers
Champion Milking Shorthorns
Grand Champion
Brand New Z Fallin In Love-ET, Ashley Brandel
Reserve Grand Champion
C Schwende Wild Party, Matthew Boeder
Junior Champion
Wide-Open Layna, Colton Grinstead
Reserve Junior Champion
Lazy M Money Like A Lady, Ainsley Noble
Champion Red & Whites
Grand Champion
Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red-ET, Elizabeth Gunst
Reserve Grand Champion
MilkSource Bo Allura-Red-ET, Lauren Breunig
Junior Champion
WOCC Warrior Edith-Red-ET, Logan Harbaugh
Reserve Junior Champion
MI-KO Warrior Velma Rae-Red, Logan Brass
Champion Dairy Cow Showperson
Supreme Champion
Logan Harbaugh
Champion Dairy Goat Showperson
Supreme Champion
Mikalee Kelley
Champion Dairy Goat
Puetz Valley Ranch Vesper, Gwen Riedl
Are you or your organization interested in becoming a support of the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board? Please contact Ann for additional information on opportunities to support Wisconsin dairy, dairy youth, and the Dairy Promotion Board’s activities.